Hotel per Animali
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Ryokan Suzukiso
813-1 Narumachi Fushimi-ku, 612-8347
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Servizi e comodità
Accesso a Internet
Wi-Fi gratuito in tutte le camere!
Dove dormirai
16 m²
Japanese style room 10 tatami mat room w
16 m²
Western-style room 10 tatami mat without
13 m²
Japanese style room 8 tatami mat room wi
Western style single
Japanese style tatami room with tatami r
Western style single
1 single bed
Japanese style room 10 tatami mat room w
Japanese style room 8 tatami mat room wi
Japanese style tatami room with tatami r
Western-style room 10 tatami mat without
3 single beds
Ryokan Suzukiso
Kyoto, Giappone
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