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Pet & Spa Hotel Izukogen
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Dove dormirai
38 m²
Western-style with positive light on the B1 floor capacity of 4 people Twin Room
32 m²
2nd floor, 10 tatami mats wide Japanese-style room (capacity of 4 people, with wide rim) [Japanes...
35 m²
Western-style room overlooking Oshima on the 1st floor (capacity of 3 people, with bus) [Twin roo...
38 m²
Western-style room with positive light on the B1 floor (capacity of 4 people) [Twin room] [Non-sm...
35 m²
Western-style overlooking Oshima on the 1st floor capacity of 3 people with bus Twin Room
33 m²
No Smoking Japanese-style Room
32 m²
45 m²
Western-style overlooking Oshima on the 1st floor capacity of 4 people with bus Twin Room
Pet & Spa Hotel Izukogen
Atami, Giappone
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