Hotel per Animali
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Orange Hotel (Taiyuan Qinxian North Street Maoye Tiandi Branch)
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Cosa offre questo posto
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Wi-Fi gratuito in tutte le camere!
Dove dormirai
22 m²
Sunshine Double Room
1 queen bed
22 m²
Sunshine Double Room
2 single beds
30 m²
Deluxe Double Room
1 queen bed
30 m²
Family Room (Special promotion, no window)
1 single bed and 1 queen bed
30 m²
Sunshine Family Room
1 single bed and 1 double bed
22 m²
Elegant Queen Room (No window)
1 queen bed
15 m²
Cozy Double Room
1 queen bed
15 m²
Cozy Room (2 beds)
2 single beds
22 m²
Elegant Room (2 beds) (No window)
2 single beds
Family Room
Orange Hotel (Taiyuan Qinxian North Street Maoye Tiandi Branch)
Taiyuan, Cina
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