Hotel per Animali
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olive no sato vingh quatre yeux shodoshima
Shōdo Island
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Cosa offre questo posto
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Wi-Fi gratuito in tutte le camere!
Dove dormirai
33 m²
[Non-smoking] Cottage (room with bath and toilet)
21 m²
[Non-smoking] Cottage Western-style room (room wit
43 m²
[Non-smoking] Cottage (Japanese-style room with sh
19 m²
[Non-smoking] Japanese-Western room in the main bu
10 m²
[Non-smoking] Main building Western-style room (wi
10 m²
[Non-smoking] Western-style room in the main build
21 m²
Non-smoking Cottage Western-style wit Room
10 m²
non-smoking main building western-style room wi
19 m²
Main building Japanese-Western style w Room
33 m²
Cottage with bath and toilet @ only A Room
olive no sato vingh quatre yeux shodoshima
Shōdo Island, Giappone
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