Hotel per Animali
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Lake House Tribe
Non Valutato
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Valutato dagli ospiti
Non Valutato
Cosa offre questo posto
Servizi e comodità
Ristorazione, bevande e snack
Accesso a Internet
Wi-Fi gratuito in tutte le camere!, Wi-Fi nelle aree pubbliche
Dove dormirai
22 m²
2F Western-style room 1 Small staircase ant [room
23 m²
2F Western-style room 1 Small staircase ant [room
3 single beds
60 m²
One building rented away [room without meals] kitc
3 double beds
59 m²
One building rented away [room without meals] kitc
23 m²
2F Western-style room (2) Small staircase ant [roo
3 single beds
22 m²
2F Western-style room (2) Small staircase ant [roo
60 m²
One building is rented away [room without meals] K
3 double beds and 4 futons
59 m²
One building is rented away [room without meals] K
27 m²
2F Japanese-style room with shower & toilet 1 [Roo
31 m²
Dog OK [Stay without meals] Western-style room wit
3 double beds
Lake House Tribe
Fujikawaguchiko, Giappone
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