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Babaling Leisure Hostel
Group 5, Yanshou Village, Banshanting, 421156
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Cosa offre questo posto
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Accesso a Internet
Wi-Fi gratuito in tutte le camere!
Dove dormirai
Guestroom (Floor heating) (Whole building)
30 m²
Guestroom (Double bed) (Bathtub)
1 king bed
28 m²
Guestroom - with View (2 beds)
2 double beds
28 m²
Deluxe Room - Triple Occupancy
3 double beds
28 m²
Guestroom (2 beds)
2 double beds
30 m²
Guestroom - Double Occupancy (Doublebed) (Mahjong)
2 double beds
30 m²
Guestroom (Double bed)
1 king bed
38 m²
Guestroom - with View (2 beds)
2 double beds
26 m²
guestroom (2 beds) (terrace)
2 double beds
28 m²
Guestroom (2 beds)
2 double beds
Babaling Leisure Hostel
Hengyang, Cina
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