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Kuroshio no Yado Rinkaiso
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12 m²
Marutoku 2nd floor a Japanese-style with no view of the sea 7.5 tatami mats Japanese Room
19 m²
Non-smoking, seaside 2nd floor superior resort style guest room 12 tatami mats, free Wi-Fi [Japan...
19 m²
16 m²
Non-smoking seaside standard old folk house style Japanese-style room 10 tatami mats free Wi-Fi [...
12 m²
for morning use 8 tatami mats on the 2nd floor on the sea side Japanese Ocean view Room
19 m²
24 m²
Non-smoking, 1st floor deluxe Japanese and Western room on the sea side, 15 tatami mats, free Wi-...
12 m²
Non-smoking Marutoku 2nd floor, a profitable Japanese-style room with no view of the sea 7.5 tata...
19 m²
16 m²
Marutoku 2nd floor Japanese-style with no view of the sea 10 tatami mats Japanese Room
Kuroshio no Yado Rinkaiso
Onjuku, Japan
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