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Hotel Taiyo Noen in front of Tokushima Prefectural
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Was dieses Ort hat zu bieten
Dienstleistungen und Annehmlichkeiten
Essen, Trinken und Snacks
Kostenloses Frühstück
Kostenloses WLAN in allen Zimmern!, WLAN in öffentlichen Bereichen
Wo du schlafen wirst
16 m²
[Breakfast included] No. 1 in popularity! Morning
2 single beds
10 m²
[Breakfast included] No. 1 in popularity! Morning
1 single bed
12 m²
[Breakfast included] No. 1 in popularity! Morning
2 single beds
16 m²
[Breakfast included] No. 1 in popularity! Morning
2 single beds
10 m²
[Breakfast included] No. 1 in popularity! Morning
1 single bed
10 m²
[Breakfast included] No. 1 in popularity! Morning
1 single bed
16 m²
[Breakfast included] No. 1 in popularity! Morning
2 single beds
16 m²
[Breakfast included] No. 1 in popularity! Morning
2 single beds
12 m²
[Breakfast included] No. 1 in popularity! Morning
2 single beds
12 m²
[Breakfast included] No. 1 in popularity! Morning
2 single beds
Hotel Taiyo Noen in front of Tokushima Prefectural
Tokushima, Japan
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